Assistente Project Manager-Sanità


Job position: Technical Assistant to the Program Manager

Location: Gambella, Ethiopia

Application deadline: September 2nd, 2024

Start date: October 2024

Duration: 3 months

Family duty station: NO

Note: the NGO reserves the right to close the application process once the position is filled.

Purpose of the role

Within a project aiming at providing basic health care services to South Sudanese refugees in Nguenyyiel, Tierkidi and Jewi Refugee camps, the Technical Assistant to the Program Manager will support the efficient and effective management and implementation of the project, ensuring quality and smooth progress of work through technical support.

Key duties:

  • ensure the smooth implementation of the two main components of the project, the 24/7 service delivery in 3 health units in Gambella Refugee camps and the secondary and tertiary referral system;
  • strengthen the systems in place to ensure an effective management of activities and resources;
  • support the update of the work plan, the Operational Plan and the Project Monitoring Plan;
  • monitor the progress in achieving the targets set by the donor, identifying eventual challenges and possible solutions
  • supervise the quality of health services provided, proposing corrective measures whenever needed;
  • supervise the procurement process, with a special focus to drugs and consumables;
  • support the management of logistics of cars and other assets and the management of HR;
  • ensure the coordination with other partners present in the refugee camps supporting the HFs;
  • ensure the timely draft of the project reports, together with the Program Manager


  • University Degree in Social Sciences, International Relations or related fields
  • Excellent knowledge of spoken and written English
  • Previous experience in managing health projects in fragile countries and/or low resource settings
  • Previous experience in working in complex interventions will be considered an asset
  • Good computer knowledge
  • Coordination and team management skills
  • Adaptability to live and work in an unstable environment

Send your candidature

Due to the high number of applications, please note that our recruiting team will contact only short-listed candidates.

The selection process is based on non-discrimination criteria and candidates are taken into consideration without distinction of ethnicity, gender, political orientation, religion, personal opinions, sexual orientation.

Doctors with Africa CUAMM does not tolerate any abuse, exploitation or violence against vulnerable children and adults, nor other behaviour that does not respect human dignity from its own staff, partner staff or other staff associated with the NGO.

All selected candidates will be expected to adhere to the mission and values of the organization, nondiscrimination policies and safeguarding principles.

Settore professionale: Sanità

Ruolo: Assistente Project Manager

Condizioni contrattuali


Type of contract: collaboration contract

Salary: TBD according to NGO salary grids and compensation policy (basic salary for the job position, with possible increase based on professional experience)

Flight ticket: one return flight

Health issues: the NGO provides health insurance and covers vaccination costs

Visa and permits: the NGO bears the cost and paperwork for visa

Accommodation: provided by the NGO, it is generally individual, depending on the logistical situation and the availability of accommodation in the workplace

Other costs: the NGO covers costs related to housing utilities and internet; food and personal expenses are covered by the worker


  • Titolo di studio: Laurea di primo livello
  • Esperienza pregressa: da 1 anno a 3 anni


  • Good computer knowledge
  • Coordination and team management skills
  • Adaptability to live and work in an unstable environment


  • Tipologia: Operatore
  • Data inizio lavoro: 01/10/2024
  • Durata: > 6 Mesi
  • Scadenza vacancy: 13/09/2024
  • Retribuzione:

Luogo di lavoro

ONG lavora con noi
servizio civile


  • Nome: Medici con l'Africa CUAMM
  • Sede: Italy, Padova
  • Website:
  • Profilo: Medici con l’Africa Cuamm è la prima ONG in campo sanitario riconosciuta in Italia e la più grande organizzazione sanitaria italiana per la promozione e la tutela del diritto alla salute delle popolazioni africane.

    Nata nel 1950, nel suo nome è racchiuso il legame con questo continente, l’Africa, in cui appaiono concentrati e al massimo grado i problemi della sofferenza, della povertà e della disuguaglianza. Medici con l’Africa (e non per l’Africa) esprime la scelta di condividere con l’altro, che vuol dire partecipazione profonda, scambio, sforzo in comune, lavorare e soffrire insieme.

    Attualmente Medici con l’Africa Cuamm opera in Angola, Costa d'Avorio, Etiopia, Mozambico, Repubblica Centrafricana, Sierra Leone, Sud Sudan, Tanzania e Uganda con interventi di cooperazione sanitaria articolati in attività ospedaliere e territoriali, prevalentemente in aree rurali. Realizza progetti fortemente integrati nel tessuto sanitario e sociale del paese, in uno stile di dialogo con le autorità pubbliche e le istituzioni religiose locali.

    In ciascuno di questi paesi, una robusta base di interventi, stabili e duraturi, supporta in modo coordinato progetti su aree specifiche (formazione, tutela materno-infantile, disabilità, ecc.) e interventi verticali, di diretto contrasto a grandi pandemie (Aids, tubercolosi, malaria).

Volontariato in Romania

Volontario Asociatia Il Giocattolo Romania, Anina (Caras-Severin) 01/07/2024—30/06/2025

Scadenza: 30/06/2025

Esperto Public Health | Angola

Operatore Medici con l'Africa CUAMM Angola, Uige > 6 Mesi

Scadenza: 31/01/2025

Pediatra | Angola

Operatore Medici con l'Africa CUAMM Angola, Chiulo > 6 Mesi

Scadenza: 31/01/2025