Project manager-Coordinamento


The Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Bari (CIHEAM Bari) intends to select a Project Coordinator for the project “Scaling Up OliveCulture Value Chain and Promoting Climate-Resilient Rural Development in Pakistan,” which is funded by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation through the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation. 


During the performance of the assignment, the International Project Coordinator will constantly interface with the management of CIHEAM Bari and/or with the authorised delegates, as well as with local institutional partners, to ensure:

• Drafting of global and annual operational plans.

• ­Implementation and follow-up of the global and annual operational plan.

• Daily management of the assigned activities to ensure timely and effective delivery of the expected outputs, outcomes and objectives.

• Follow up and monitor project’s performance of the planned activities of the project partners;

• Check and monitor the outcomes of field missions of all consultants

• Implement and follow up audit procedures (internal and external).

• Drafting of mid-term and final technical reports.

• Smooth implementation of all the planned activities

• Administrative/accounting management and monthly dispatch of on-site expense receipts, under the procedures of CIHEAM Bari.

• Organization of office work in person and (if necessary) remotely, activating and coordinating national and international experts on a short-term missions. The International Project Coordinator will draw up the relevant Terms of Reference.

• Organization of periodic coordination meetings with local counterparts including the Steering Committee and Country contact person of CIHEAM Bari.

• Guarantee the safety standards in compliance with the policies in force at CIHEAM Bari for implementing activities.­­

• Interaction and coordination with CIHEAM Bari’s Cooperation Area and with the desk officer of CIHEAM Bari for all off-site and on-site fulfilments.

• Supervision of project’s events and developing visibility, dissemination, and promotion material, in coordination with CIHEAM Bari’s External Relations and Communication Office.

• Make sure to fulfil the CIHEAM Bari administrative and financial rules as well as its ethical clauses.

• On behalf of CIHEAM Bari, the establishment of fruitfully relations with the local and Italian authorities on site (AICS headquarters, Embassy of Italy, local counterparts and stakeholders, Ministries).

• Participation in the six-monthly monitoring meetings that will be held at CIHEAM Bari headquarters in Italy.


2.1 Essential requirements:

Candidates will be considered eligible for selection based on the following essential requirements, to be fulfilled by the deadline for applications:

• University degree in Agricultural Sciences, socioeconomics, business administration, engineering or similar subjects.

• Proven professional experience of at least 3 years working in international cooperation projects/programmes in the field of agriculture/rural development.

• Previous work experience in project management for development cooperation initiatives.

• Proficiency in the use of Microsoft Office programme (Word, Excel, Power point).

2.2 Languages

• Italian (Mother Tongue or C2 level)

• English (C1 level required)

2.3 Preferred requirements:

• Significant experience working in Pakistan, particularly within the agricultural or environmental sectors, is highly preferred.

• In-depth knowledge of the techniques and methodologies for formulating, managing, and monitoring international cooperation projects (Project Cycle Management and Logical Framework approach; Theory of Change; RBM).

• Knowledge of international regulatory instruments on development aid, general and sectorial guidelines of Italian cooperation management mechanism of programs funded by the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation.

• Scientific and technical knowledge of agricultural practices for olive growing is an asset.


All interested applicants shall submit the application, duly dated, and signed, in pdf format, to the following email address:

The application deadline is 21/10/2024  at 23:59.

Applicants are requested to specify the following reference code in the email subject: Ref. n. 05/V/2024 “Application for International Project Coordinator”. Applications without the above reference will be excluded from the selection. The application shall include:

• Motivation letter in English (maximum 1 page, A4, Times New Roman, 12), duly signed

• Curriculum vitae in English (Europass format), duly signed.

• Copy of valid passport.

• Statement “Information about collecting, storing and processing Personal Data” duly signed for approval.

Settore professionale: Coordinamento

Ruolo: Project manager

Condizioni contrattuali

Salary, allowances, and other conditions are subject to CIHEAM Bari rules and regulations; in particular, they will be set based on professional seniority, specific professional qualification and level of competence concerning the responsibilities and specific tasks the successful candidate will be required to perform. Remuneration will be paid in Euros, including charges, social security, insurance, and any additional tax charges. Approved remuneration will not exceed similar position levels within other Intergovernmental Organisations. Permanent and non-permanent staff are expected to adhere to the code of ethics and conduct of CIHEAM Bari that reflects the commitments to the Organization’s core values. 


  • Titolo di studio: Laurea di secondo livello o specialistica
  • Indirizzo di studio facoltà:

    University degree in Agricultural Sciences, socioeconomics, business administration, engineering or similar subjects. 

  • Esperienza pregressa: da 3 anni a 5 anni


Personal skills and capacities

• Leadership skills: Ability to guide and motivate team members.

• Communication skills: Effective communication with team members, stakeholders, and donors.

• Organizational skills: Strong organizational abilities to plan and execute tasks efficiently.

• Time management: Efficiently managing project timelines and deadlines.

• Problem-solving skills: Addressing challenges and finding solutions effectively.

• Adaptability: Being flexible and able to adjust to changing project requirements or circumstances.

• Risk management: Identifying and mitigating potential risks to project success.

• Budget management: Managing project finances and resources effectively.

• Technical expertise: Understanding the project domain and relevant tools or technologies.

• Team building: Fostering a positive team environment and promoting collaboration.


  • Tipologia: Operatore
  • Data inizio lavoro: 01/12/2024
  • Durata: > 1 Anno
  • Scadenza vacancy: 21/10/2024


Luogo di lavoro


  • Nome: CIHEAM Bari
  • Sede: Italy, Valenzano
  • Website:
  • Profilo: CIHEAM Bari è un'organizzazione intergovernativa che promuove la Ricerca e l'Innovazione nella Regione del Mediterraneo, nei Balcani, nel Medio Oriente ed in Africa.
    Istituito nel 1962, il Centro Internazionale di Studi Agronomici Mediterranei Avanzati (CIHEAM) è un'organizzazione intergovernativa mediterranea composta da 13 Paesi Membri (Albania, Algeria, Egitto, Francia, Grecia, Italia, Libano, Malta, Marocco, Portogallo, Spagna, Tunisia, e Turchia).

    Il CIHEAM opera attraverso i suoi 4 Istituti con sede a Bari - CIHEAM Bari - (Italia), Chania - CIHEAM Chania - (Grecia), Montpellier - CIHEAM Montpellier - (Francia), e Zaragoza - CIHEAM Zaragoza - (Spagna), e la Sede Centrale - CIHEAM SG, con sede a Parigi.

    Il CIHEAM ha una lunga storia di cooperazione multilaterale e regionale e offre istruzione e formazione, ricerca, assistenza tecnica, cooperazione internazionale e sviluppo di capacità. Collabora con amministrazioni pubbliche, università e centri di ricerca, organizzazioni di cooperazione e sviluppo, enti locali, attori della società civile e imprese per rispondere ai bisogni delle popolazioni e dei territori del Mediterraneo.

    Originariamente incentrato sulla formazione di alti dirigenti dei paesi del Mediterraneo, il CIHEAM è diventato rapidamente un pioniere nella mobilità di studenti e giovani ricercatori. Uno spazio unico che unisce scienza e diplomazia, il CIHEAM ha fatto della circolazione delle conoscenze e delle competenze una forza al servizio dei sistemi agroalimentari della regione.

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