Amministrazione-Amministrazione - contabilità


ICU is an International Non-Governmental Organization, recognized by the European Commission and the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, which carries out development cooperation projects in Southern countries mainly in the sectors of Agriculture, Business Development, Waste Management and Education with a Nexus approach.

In particular, ICU has been present in Tunisia since 2011 and actively operates in the sectors of Renewable Energy and support for Municipalities; from professional training, especially for young people, and the creation and support of businesses and self-employment, especially in the agri-food sector; as well as in the sector of protection and efficient use of natural resources, especially water. Furthermore, the ICU Tunisia mission remotely coordinates projects in Libya, in the field of energy efficiency, health and protection, as well as agri-food development and agricultural services. The activities are carried out with EU funds, AICS (Promoted Calls and Emergency Calls), as well as private foundations and other cooperations (e.g. Monaco Cooperation, Prince Albert of Monaco Foundation, UFM…).

As Senior Administrator, s/he will have responsibility for all aspects of strategic and operational finance in the Tunisia/Libya country program, acting in close collaboration with the Country Administrator as the principal finance business partner to the Senior Management team (SMT), Country Director and HQ

Major Responsibilities:

Strategic Planning & Analysis

· Provides financial information which supports the Country Director and SMT in making business decisions in line with ICU strategies.

· Provides strategic analysis on the overall financial health of the country program to the CD and SMT.

· Contributes and provides feedback to the development of Country Programs Strategic Annual Plan.


· Ensures that all in-country practices are in compliance with ICU and donor policies and procedures.

· Establishes in-country finance procedures to supplement global policies as needed.

· Monitors financial activities and advises the Country Director on financial performance of the office, issues with internal controls or financial management.

· Ensures monthly balance sheet reconciliations are completed on a timely basis.

· Manages the finance department activities and schedules to meet the financial reporting requirements and deadlines specified by headquarters and donors.

· Identifies requirements for and develops reporting formats to aid in the management of country operations and grant expenditures.

· Directs the preparation of and approves all donor financial reports in respect to accounting, legal and contractual requirements

· Ensures in-country internal control reviews of operations are regularly undertaken.

· Facilitates external, internal, donor or government audits.

· Oversees the protection of the country’s assets (cash, inventory, fixed assets) through the enforcement of internal control policies and procedures.

· Maintains current knowledge of local government requirements related to finance and complies with tax and other legal requirements.

Training & Staff Management

· Establishes a finance department roles and responsibilities matrix; staff job descriptions are current; recruits and maintains qualified staff to perform finance functions.

· Ensures comprehensive and constructive performance reviews are completed annually; career planning and development plans are in place for all finance staff.

· Develops and implements a training program for the country’s finance staff.

· Oversees finance training and technical support to non-finance staff for skills improvement in the areas of accounting, reporting and internal control.


· Supervises all country program bank relations and bank account activities including negotiation of fees, interest and currency exchange rates.

· Oversees the review and approval of all monthly bank account and cash reconciliations.

· Maintain on current basis accurate forecasts of cash requirements for meeting future spending, including commitments which obligate ICU to future spending.

· Ensures that appropriate balances are maintained to facilitate grant implementation and cash held in headquarters in drawn regularly.

· Ensures the development and implementation of a plan to minimize the country’s foreign exchange exposure to currency gains and losses.

· Supervises the collection of contractual and other receivables.


· Oversees the preparation and revision of grant proposal budgets; supports programs with guidance on costing and inputs in creating budgets for submission.

· Prepares and maintains the country’s annual operating budget; ensures cost coverage for in-country operating costs and updates the operating budget regularly.

· Presents and facilitates the review of actual to budget expenditures

Settore professionale: Amministrazione - contabilità

Ruolo: Amministrazione

Condizioni contrattuali


  • Titolo di studio: Laurea di primo livello
  • Indirizzo di studio facoltà:


    Position reports to: Country Director

    Direct reporting: Finance Officers


    · Bachelor’s degree in Accounting, Business Administration, Commerce or Finance required; recognized professional certificate in accounting or a Master’s degree in Accounting preferred

    · Extensive experience working in development or humanitarian response, including at least five years of experience living and working in the relevant field in developing and transitioning countries

    · Minimum of five years of managerial experience in finance

    – In-depth knowledge of EU and AICS procedures

    · Requires extensive experience in working with computerized accounting systems and standard spreadsheet

    – Advanced skills in written and spoken English and French. Good skills in written and spoken Arabic and/or Italian are favorable

    – Previous working experience in MENA Region and in Tunisia/Libya in particular

    – Must have a proven track-record of proactively identifying and communicating potential problems and proposing solutions

    · Must be able to function effectively in a complex work environment, setting appropriate priorities and manage competing priorities and pressure

    · Ability to carry out responsibilities independently with minimal technical support

    · Must have excellent interpersonal communication skills and professional patience and be able to interact, partner and thrive in a diverse environment

    · Committed to staff training and development and effective at facilitation


    Click on the link: and then on the “Apply for the position” button at the bottom of the page and upload the following documents in PDF format:

    Updated CV (PDF) in English, renamed “Senior Administrator Tunisia – Name_Surname_CV”;

    Explanatory letter (PDF) in English, covering at least the following subjects: prior knowledge of ICU or its staff, how your personal and professional experience can be useful and valued for this position especially with regard to the basic requirements, monthly salary expected (specify if net/gross), date of first availability. Rename the file “Senior Administrator Tunisia – Name_Surname Cover Letter”.

    It is anticipated that only pre-selected candidates will be contacted.

  • Esperienza pregressa: Maggiore o uguale a 5 anni



  • Tipologia: Operatore
  • Data inizio lavoro: 18/11/2024
  • Durata: > 1 Anno
  • Scadenza vacancy: 15/11/2024

Luogo di lavoro


  • Nome: Istituto per la Cooperazione allo Sviluppo - ICU
  • Sede: Italy, Roma
  • Website:
  • Profilo: ICU – Istituto per la Cooperazione Universitaria Onlus è un’Organizzazione non governativa che realizza progetti di cooperazione allo sviluppo nei paesi del Sud del mondo e promuove iniziative di informazione ed educazione sui temi della solidarietà internazionale.

    ICU nasce nel 1966, per iniziativa di alcuni docenti italiani, con l’obiettivo di favorire a livello internazionale lo sviluppo della cultura e della scienza al servizio dell’uomo. Tale finalità si può riassumere in una duplice ed interdipendente azione di: sviluppo umano e sociale nei paesi meno industrializzati o in via di transizione attraverso programmi di cooperazione internazionale, con particolare attenzione alla formazione; diffusione di una cultura della cooperazione allo sviluppo inteso come promozione integrale della dignità umana.

    L’ICU, dalla sua costituzione, ha realizzato circa 480 progetti di cooperazione in oltre 40 Paesi in America Latina, Africa, Bacino del Mediterraneo e Vicino Oriente, Europa, Asia e Pacifico per un budget complessivo di circa 150 milioni di euro.

    I principali settori d’intervento sono:
    -cooperazione universitaria
    -educazione e formazione professionale
    -igiene e sanità
    -sviluppo rurale
    -promozione della donna
    -sviluppo sociale

    L’ICU è partner di ECHO – European Community Humanitarian Office – per la gestione di progetti di emergenza, è ente riconosciuto da USAID, è membro della Giunta Direttiva della READI -Red Euro-Arabe de ONG para el Desarrollo y la Integracíon e di Link2007; collabora e riceve finanziamenti dal Ministero degli Affari Esteri ed Enti locali italiani, dall’Unione Europea e dagli Organismi Internazionali. E’ inoltre sostenuto da fondazioni, imprese e privati cittadini.

    Scopri le posizioni aperte e lavora con noi.

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