Project manager-Diritti Umani


Position: Regional Business Development Officer

Location: Nairobi, with frequent travels to other Countries of the Region

Application deadline: 31/12/2024

Starting date: ASAP

Family duty station: YES

Reporting to: Head of Regional Unit

Working context

The WeWorld South and East Africa Region (SEA) covers four countries (Burundi, Kenya, Mozambique, Tanzania) and counts 400 dedicated colleagues.

We have been working in the SEA Region since 1995, ensuring strong commitment in the Humanitarian, Development, and Peace Nexus approach looking at complementarities and linking emergency relief, development, and peacebuilding as well as coordination between actors with the aim to build long term resilience.

All programs of the countries in the region are aiming to achieve the objectives of the WeWorld Global Theory of change and the three-years country strategies.

Job Description

Purpose of the Role

The Regional Business Development Officer plays a key role in project writing and donor engagement for the Southern-East Africa area. Under the guidance of the head of regional unit, the person oversees the work with the country team on projects’ design, contact with donors in the country and region, contact with the country team on project and donor relations, and capitalising on past and ongoing project experiences for the development of new opportunities.


Proposal Development (50%)

• Analysis of the calls, contributing to the definition of the risk assessment, providing the necessary elements for the Head of Regional Unit to decide on the go/no go.

• Supports the country team in defining and creating partnerships so that they are consistent with the call request and add value to the proposal, and in managing the partnership throughout the proposal writing process.

• Plays the role of proposal development manager, editor and/or coordinator as directed by the country team and the regional team.

• Works closely with the country team to manage co-ordination and specific proposal development tasks, such as developing work plans, drafting the narrative, budget, consolidating and editing written contributions, developing technical annexes, drafting the budget and other tasks as required.

• Facilitates design sessions in coordination with country staff, partners, regional teams and HQ, and ensures that proposal design is in line with the country strategy.

• Facilitates design sessions in coordination with country staff, partners, regional teams and headquarters, and ensures that proposal design is in line with the country strategy.

• Contribute to ensure that proposals are of high quality, meet internal and donor standards and are submitted on time to the donor.

• Collaborate with regional administrator/finance to ensure that project writing reflects regional financial target.

• Supports in due diligence processes.

Regional Donor Development (30%)

• Collaborates with the Head of Regional Unit and Country Representatives in intercepting more funding opportunities to strengthen WeWorld's thematic and donor-based positioning, deepening knowledge and expertise on regional funding instruments, building more structured relationships with donors and relevant stakeholders in the regions.

• Analyses donor trends and growth opportunities for the organization at regional level in collaboration with HQ Partnerships team.

Capacity building and knowledge management (20%)

• Contribute to the development of training materials/modules and/or adapt and contextualize training resources and materials to meet country needs.

• Strengthening local skills in identifying funding opportunities and identifying and writing projects.

• Support to the country team in strengthening donor relations at country level and in acquiring and pre-positioning for upcoming funding opportunities.

• Provides technical guidance on donor rules and regulations to the country team to ensure projects comply with donor guidelines and procedures

• Supports the region in the knowledge management process, through the capitalization of information, the production of tools and documents for cross-regional use and the sharing of information between regions.

• It captures best practices and lessons learnt and supports cross-learning opportunities in the region and globally.

Regional Support

• When not busy, covers and provides support to other positions within the SEA regional team.


Qualifications and Knowledge

• An advanced university degree or equivalent in the fields of Social or Political Science, Development Studies, International relations, Project Management, Human rights

• Good knowledge of MS Office 360 pack

• Fluent in English, French both written and verbal

Professional experience

• Minimum 5 years’ relevant working experience in related fields

• Working experience with international NGOs in management or development of international cooperation projects funded by institutional and private donors

• Proven experience in Proposal Development and Capacity Building

Skills and Abilities

• Strong flexibility and capacity to adapt behavior to the needs of the situation

• Capacity to work autonomously and in problems prevention/resolution

• Proven organizational skills and ability to effectively manage multiple tasks while fostering quality, team spirit and positive working relationships with colleagues

• Good communication, negotiation skills and sensitivity in dealing with personnel from different countries

• Cultural, gender, religion, and age sensitivity and adaptability

• Strong commitment to the Mission of WeWorld, genuine interest for international cooperation development topics


• Fluent in Portuguese and/or Italian, both written and oral

• Previous work experience in similar positions and in the Region

How to apply: (BEWARE!)

Please send Cover Letter and CV EXCLUSIVELY at:

The recruitment process may be closed early if a suitable candidate is found. Due to the large number of applications, we apologise in advance and will only respond to those profiles deemed suitable for the role.

Settore professionale: Diritti Umani

Ruolo: Project manager

Condizioni contrattuali


Type of contract: 12 (twelve) months contract subject to verification (achievement of specific objectives) renewable, following the positive evaluation of the first period of collaboration

Economic conditions: to be defined according to WeWorld Expatriates Compensation Policy: Base Salary (seniority/role held) + Contributions (role complex and hardship based on place of work; housing; children’s allowances)

Annual leave: 2,5 days/month (working days)

Flight ticket: one return flight every 12 months of contract

Health insurance: covered


  • Titolo di studio: Laurea di primo livello
  • Esperienza pregressa: Maggiore o uguale a 5 anni
  • Lingue conosciute: Inglese (preferenziale); Francese (preferenziale)



  • Tipologia: Operatore
  • Data inizio lavoro: 05/01/2025
  • Durata: > 1 Anno
  • Scadenza vacancy: 31/12/2024
  • Retribuzione:

    Economic conditions: to be defined according to WeWorld Expatriates Compensation Policy: Base Salary (seniority/role held) + Contributions

Luogo di lavoro

ONG lavora con noi
servizio civile


  • Nome: WeWorld
  • Sede: Italy, Milano
  • Website:
  • Profilo: WeWorld si forma recentemente a partire dalla fusione di due ONG, è un’organizzazione italiana laica ed indipendente che opera dal 1971 in progetti di cooperazione allo sviluppo e aiuto umanitario.

    Presente in 29 paesi con 128 progetti, WeWorld opera nelle seguenti aree di assistenza: diritti umani (uguaglianza di genere, prevenzione e contrasto alla violenza ai danni di bambini e donne, migrazione), aiuto umanitario (prevenzione, aiuti d’emergenza e riabilitazione), sicurezza alimentare, accesso all’acqua, salute e igiene, educazione, educazione alla cittadinanza globale, insegnamento di qualità e volontariato internazionale.

    WeWorld lavora soprattutto con ragazze, ragazzi, donne e giovani, gli attori del cambiamento in ogni comunità per un mondo più giusto ed inclusivo. Supporta chi ha superato un’emergenza e garantisce una vita degna, opportunità e un futuro migliore attraverso programmi di sviluppo umano ed economico nella cornice dall’Agenda 2030. Fare parte del team WeWorld significa partecipare allo sviluppo di un’organizzazione dinamica dove il contributo di ogni membro è promosso e apprezzato per lavorare insieme al raggiungimento di obiettivi e visioni collettivi.

    Al momento i maggiori donatori sono l’Italia attraverso l’AICS, la UE attraverso DG ECHO, UNICEF e il BELGIO (DGD).

    Scopri i nostri annunci di lavoro e lavora con noi!

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