Amministratore Paese-Coordinamento


Starting Date: 11/04/2025

Period: 24 months

Language: French

Reporting to:  Directly report to the Regional Manager (1st Supervisor) and to the Secretary General (2nd Supervisor)

Aim of the position: The Country Representative represents the AVSI Foundation in Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) and is responsible for the successful development of the mission and the proper and efficient operations of the various departments (HR, Operation, Program, Communication, MEAL and Security). In particular, the Country Representative will be responsible for the implementation of the Work Plan for the country, approved by the AVSI Board of Directors every year, which is an integral part of the job description. The achievement of the goals in the plan for each individual country will be evaluated each year together with the General Secretary and the Regional Manager and is an integral part of the performance evaluation.

Main tasks and responsibilities:

Strategy, Coordination and Representation (in collaboration with Regional Manager and Regional Program Manager)

  • Formulating the country strategy for AVSI in light of political, economic and humanitarian context and in coordination with the Regional Manager
  • Acting as key contact with head offices, local partners, NGOs, UN agencies, local authorities, government authorities, donors.
  • Acting as a focal point, to issue policy recommendations in collaboration with field staff and headquarters.
  • Representing AVSI to partners, NGOs, local authorities, government authorities and donors.

Overall Management of Projects

  • Identify the projects with the coordinated team.
  • Ensuring achievement of the projects’ objectives.
  • Ensuring the organization has adequate resources.
  • Ensuring projects are still appropriate, according to the situation, the context and the programs’ objectives.
  • Planning with technical staff.
  • Ensuring technical staff carry out their work to the right standard.
  • Narrative and financial reporting to donors and to managing headquarters.
  • Proper communication and visibility of projects according AVSI’s and donors’ procedures and guidelines

Overall Management of Staff and their Security (in collaboration with HR and Security managers)

  • Responsible for all expatriate and national staff.
  • Managing human resources in conformity with applicable labor laws and with internal regulations.
  • Security management.
  • Setting of job descriptions and requests for new staff to Regional Manager and headquarters.
  • Performance appraisals of expatriate and national staff and objective setting in line with program requirements.

Operational Management (in collaboration with Opererations Manager)

  • Responsible for financial feasibility of the country program: initially to obtain resources, at final stage to make sure program is within budget.
  • Responsible for all logistical aspects.
  • Responsible for the appropriate management of all resources in a transparent manner.
  • At all times the country representative is accountable to the donors and benefactors of AVSI missions.

Essential Requirements:

Education: Bachelor’s degree in Economics, Management, Entrepreneurship, Development Studies or other related fields of study from a recognized university.

Work experience: At least 10 years of experience in development/Humanitarian context

Language proficiency: Proficient knowledge of French and English (written and oral) C1.

Required skills and experiences:

  • Master’s degree in relevant field would be an added advantage
  • Knowledge/expertise in education, protection, nutrition, livelihood sectors
  • Experience in RDC
  • Proficient knowledge of the standard IT software
  • Experience in community-based approaches in project implementation
  • Strong organizational skills and able to coordinate staff and manage a diverse array of activities and stakeholders
  • Excellent communication skills. Fluent French and English (both oral and written)
  • Strong negotiation and mediation skills and ability to work independently
  • Report writing and computer skills in word processing, spreadsheets, power point presentation and Internet
  • Experience in conducting surveys, managing data and statistics is desirable
  • Experience working in rural economic development or business development is desirable
  • Willingness to travel and work in rural areas for most of the time
  • References of previous employers are required

Please go on our website and apply

Settore professionale: Coordinamento

Ruolo: Amministratore Paese

Condizioni contrattuali

not indicated now


  • Titolo di studio: Laurea di secondo livello o specialistica
  • Esperienza pregressa: Maggiore o uguale a 5 anni
  • Lingue conosciute: Francese; Inglese



  • Tipologia: Operatore
  • Data inizio lavoro: 11/04/2025
  • Durata: > 1 Anno
  • Scadenza vacancy: 16/03/2025
  • Retribuzione:

    not indicated now

Luogo di lavoro

ONG lavora con noi
servizio civile


  • Nome: AVSI Foundation
  • Sede: Italy, Cesena
  • Website:
  • Profilo: La Fondazione AVSI è una organizzazione non governativa, ONLUS, nata nel 1972 e impegnata con oltre 120 progetti di cooperazione allo sviluppo in 37 paesi del mondo di Africa, America Latina e Caraibi, Est Europa, Medio Oriente, Asia. AVSI opera nei settori dell'educazione, sanità, igiene, cura dell'infanzia in condizioni di disagio, formazione professionale, sviluppo urbano, sicurezza alimentare, agricoltura, ambiente, micro-imprenditorialità , ICT e aiuto umanitario di emergenza.

    La sua missione è promuovere la dignità  della persona attraverso attività  di cooperazione allo sviluppo con particolare attenzione all'educazione, nel solco dell'insegnamento della Dottrina Sociale Cattolica.

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