Project manager-Diritti Umani


Position: Grants and Reporting Officer Syria

Reporting Relationship: Head of Programs

Location: Damascus, Syria

Deadline: 19/03/2025

Starting date: ASAP

Family Duty Station: NO

Accomodation: WeWorld GuestHouse


Contract Type: Expatriate (International)

Working context:

WeWorld is present in Syria since 2011. Since 2014, WeWorld has been providing humanitarian assistance to the Syrian population and IDPs with interventions in different sectors such as Education in Emergency, WASH and Early Recovery and Livelihood. At present, the main donors are EU (ECHO), individual countries (AICS) and United Nations.

Purpose of the Role:

WeWorld is recruiting a Grants and Reporting Officer who works under the direct responsibility of the Head of Programs. Working in coordination with: Projects Managers, Project Coordinators, Area Managers, Finance Team and the team on the field, the Grants and Reporting Officer will:

• Support the qualitative development of concept notes and project proposals in close collaboration with program and finance teams

• Ensure the qualitative and timely development of internal and external reporting (intermediary & final reports,) and proposal/budget amendments

• Support the Program Department in Syria for any other tasks related on project and grant management, based on need and upon request

Main functions and duties:

1. Support the qualitative development of concept notes and project proposals in close collaboration with program and finance teams (in English and Italian)

• Coordinate with the Program & Support Team in Syria under the supervision of the Head of Programs and the HQ Quality department on the internal workplan for the CN/proposal submission

• Significantly support the preparation of all grant documentation (proposals, concept notes)

• Check the coherence between the narrative report/proposal and the budget to identify potential discrepancies and participates in the identification of solutions

• Prepare all the administrative annexes with the support of the HQ Desk officer

• Archive the proposal documents on the SharePoint

2. Ensure the qualitative and timely development of internal and external reporting (intermediary & final reports,) and proposal/budget amendments

• Coordinate with the Program & Support Team in Syria under the supervision of the Head of Programs on the internal for the workplan for the report(s) submission

• Prepare internal and external reporting documents, by collecting information and inputs from Program and Support Teams in due time, by adapting them to the appropriate format and by timely submitting the final paper for validation to the Manager

• Provide reporting which adheres to and faithfully transposes donors contractual guidelines

• Provide utmost standard of writing and quality to all reporting prepared

• Capitalize the reports and annexes draft and final versions on the SharePoint

3. Support the Program Department in Syria for any other tasks related on project and grant management, based on need and upon request

• Support the Program Department, and particularly the Project Managers, on any relevant task related to project and grant management, based on needs


Qualifications and Knowledge

• Master or equivalent in the international cooperation and other relevant field

• Fluency in English is mandatory

• Fluency in Italian is mandatory

Professional experiences

• At least 2 years of specific experience in the field of international cooperation

• Previous experience in producing proposals/CN/external reports for donors such as AICS, EU, OCHA, etc.

Skills and Abilities

• Leadership, planning, organization and teamwork skills

• Proactive and dynamic attitude

• Ability to adapt and work under constraint, under pressure and in complex and multicultural contexts

• Interpersonal skills and intercultural approach

• Good listening and communication skills

• Good negotiation and conflict resolution skills

• Strong commitment to the Mission of WeWorld, genuine interest for international cooperation development topics

• Demonstrates integrity with regards to NGO values and ethical standards

• Displays cultural, gender, religion, nationality and age sensitivity and adaptability

• Treats all people fairly without favouritism


• Knowledge of Arabic would be considered an asset

• Previous working experiences in Syria would be considered an asset

How to apply (BEWARE!)

Please send Cover Letter and CV EXCLUSIVELY at:

The recruitment process may be closed early if a suitable candidate is found. Due to the large number of applications, we apologise in advance and will only respond to those profiles deemed suitable for the role.

Settore professionale: Diritti Umani

Ruolo: Project manager

Condizioni contrattuali


Type of contract: a first 3 (three) month collaboration contract subject to verification of the achievement of specific objectives (these objectives will be agreed together with the Head of Programs upon arrival on assignment) and a possible second collaboration contract, according to fund availability and following the positive evaluation of the first 3 (three) months of contract

Economic conditions: to be defined according to WeWorld Expatriates Compensation Policy: Base Salary (seniority/role held) + Contributions (role complex and hardship based on place of work)

Accomodation: WeWorld Guest House

Annual leave: 2,5 days/month (working days)

R&R: 5 days each 12 weeks - Daily Allowance covers costs of expenses for food and accommodation

Flight ticket: one return flight every 12 months of contract

Health insurance: covered


  • Titolo di studio: Laurea di primo livello
  • Esperienza pregressa: da 3 anni a 5 anni
  • Lingue conosciute: Inglese (preferenziale); Italiano (preferenziale)



  • Tipologia: Operatore
  • Data inizio lavoro: 01/04/2025
  • Durata: > 6 Mesi
  • Scadenza vacancy: 19/03/2025
  • Retribuzione:


Luogo di lavoro



  • Nome: WeWorld
  • Sede: Italy, Milano
  • Website:
  • Profilo: WeWorld si forma recentemente a partire dalla fusione di due ONG, è un’organizzazione italiana laica ed indipendente che opera dal 1971 in progetti di cooperazione allo sviluppo e aiuto umanitario.

    Presente in 29 paesi con 128 progetti, WeWorld opera nelle seguenti aree di assistenza: diritti umani (uguaglianza di genere, prevenzione e contrasto alla violenza ai danni di bambini e donne, migrazione), aiuto umanitario (prevenzione, aiuti d’emergenza e riabilitazione), sicurezza alimentare, accesso all’acqua, salute e igiene, educazione, educazione alla cittadinanza globale, insegnamento di qualità e volontariato internazionale.

    WeWorld lavora soprattutto con ragazze, ragazzi, donne e giovani, gli attori del cambiamento in ogni comunità per un mondo più giusto ed inclusivo. Supporta chi ha superato un’emergenza e garantisce una vita degna, opportunità e un futuro migliore attraverso programmi di sviluppo umano ed economico nella cornice dall’Agenda 2030. Fare parte del team WeWorld significa partecipare allo sviluppo di un’organizzazione dinamica dove il contributo di ogni membro è promosso e apprezzato per lavorare insieme al raggiungimento di obiettivi e visioni collettivi.

    Al momento i maggiori donatori sono l’Italia attraverso l’AICS, la UE attraverso DG ECHO, UNICEF e il BELGIO (DGD).

    Scopri i nostri annunci di lavoro e lavora con noi!

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